Shopper WebLounge [SWL]™

Consumer Loyalty Weblounge

A Personalised Loyalty Program Portal For Members

Shopper WebLounge [SWL]™

Loyalty Microsite & Special Customer Service Desk

Loyalty members need to interact directly with the brand. Creating each member account on the brand website gives an opportunity to engage your customers, while they spend time to review their transactions and check their points.

Paytm m’Loyal™ shopper

Its a comprehensive member portal that allows members to check their loyalty points, messages, coupons and rewards. It comes with in-built shopping cart, rewards store and mobile couponing engine. Brands can use it as a dual purpose infrastructure. Once optimum SEO is done, it gets visible on search engines and allows you to acquire customers that are searching for your brand online.

Paytm m’Loyal™ shopper

Is a comprehensive member portal that allows members to check their loyalty points, messages, coupons and rewards. It comes with in-built shopping cart, rewards store and mobile couponing engine. Brands can use it as a dual purpose infrastructure. Once optimum SEO is done, it gets visible on search engines and allows you to acquire customers that are searching for your brand online.

Shopper web lounge is a marketing asset that can be used to create ads / offers for your consumers. It also acts as a monetization tool to drive cross promo of other complimentary brands in your ecosystem.

The lounge also provides you a place to detail out your loyalty program structure, how to earn points, program tiers and terms & conditions. It allows you an opportunity to complete customer profile online and capture vital demographic details.

The shop section allows you to host top 25 hot selling products and consumers can shop using their points or points + cash. This provides another opportunity to engage with your consumer and influence his buying behaviour after he has left your store and can act as a strong re-marketing tool.

Key Features

Brand wall

Integration with
social media


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